Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Dinkey!!

A Sister Is.....

A sister is someone who leads you when you are having a problem.

A sister makes you laugh and cry.

A sister is someone who likes to fight with you.

A sister is the one who stands with you in all your ups and downs.

A sister makes you remember who you really are.

A sister sometimes makes you cry when they are very sad.

A sister is someone who is always there for you through all the laughter and tears.

A sister is real.

A sister never will pretend.

A sister is someone like you whom I treasure everyday in my heart.

Well Sister, this is for you. We've had some wonderful times, and some "sisterly" times...LOL..I wouldn't change a minute of any of it. You will always be beautiful..... I love you dearly................Happy Birthday!