I must say its been an uneventful weekend. We've all done absolutely...nothing! Blogged, cooked...Ahh...I meant, Hubby cooked!LOL....Come on Guys! I cook Wednesdays and Fridays and Crystal cooks on Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays! Naturally, on the weekends, it's Hubby's turn!!....well, it is! lolol.....but he never takes pictures of what I cook....hummmm. Might be a message in that?! Oh well, no matter. I take pictures of his dinners...have to keep the Main cook happy!
I also am practicing again with my CanonEOS....HOLD IT!! Don't be reaching for that mouse button...That's why I load all pictures up above my post; so you can't run!! LOL I do think I'm getting the hang of the close up features on the camera. The pictures are a little more clear! lol
Oh well, some day you'll all be So surprised...I'll take a picture of a flower and you'll know what it really is!! lol
Well, guess I'll get back to my "do nothing" day. Mondays come around way too soon. You all have a wonderful evening or morning, which ever comes first and I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Useless Info: The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.