Saturday, December 29, 2007

What Is This?

OK people...I know there is someone out there that has an idea about what this is. In this picture, look in the lower right hand side, at the white streak. See it? That thing was skipping along in the sky at an unbelievable speed. Barely had time to take the shot. "They" were all over the sky last night. Up, down, left, right...couldn't keep up.
I kept telling Crystal, "What the hell is going on up there"! TicTacToe....meteorites?

It was NOT winds blowing...and we SAW things traveling at high rates of speed. Meteorites are the only thing I can think of at this point, unless....I haven't a clue. I've seen the skies, a lot, all during my growing up periods. Until recently, I've not seen tictactoe played in the sky. It bugs me...I want to know what it is. We've seen this display a lot in the last few months. Even if I'd had a telescope, I couldn't have kept up with them. Moving too fast. Oh well, maybe one of you have seen this pattern as well and will voice your opinion. Every time I go outside, I'm looking up now...aggravating. Just wondering...President Bush has his Western Whitehouse in Crawford (40 miles from us). He's been in town for Christmas vacation...Could it have something to do with him???
Well enough of that. It's Saturday gang. Hope you all have fun plans for the day. I'm going to clean and watch the granbabies while Crystal sticks her head outside and has lunch with her girlfriend. She Really needs to get out more!! Have a fun day and remember to smile...a lot!


Dannalie said...

I saw those streaks yesterday. I didn't see anything flying. I just assumed they were from the military planes since Bush is in town.

I am staying in the house today...if I leave then I will probably spend money!

Have fun with the grandbabies!

Donna said...

Dannalie- thank heavens I wasn't the only one to see this! I've heard people in Europe see the same things and haven't a clue what it is!
You sound like me now! Sticking around the I definitely can find plenty to keep me busy!! Try to have some fun today!! hughug

Pauline Evanosky said...

I think what you were seeing was the Geminid Meteor Shower.

More about it at Fox News:,2933,316393,00.html They said it peaked on the 13th & 14th of December.

Donna said...

LadySkyFyre- Well THANK YOU!! I'm getting a little tired of heading outside every ten minutes in my housecoat with a loaded camera!! LOL I need a chair and a mocha latte!!! Thanks!!

Rosie said...

Ooooh Donna I did wonder if you'd be visited by outer space in your country..... Glad to hear it was Meteor Showers!!!! You can pop those feet up now knowing you're aok :)

Rosie x

Donna said...

Rosie! Believe me when I say...what a small relief! In a warped way I kinda wish those "aliens" would hurry up and introduce themselves...running after them AND grandkids can get pretty hectic!! LOL Have a fun evening girl!

Brenda said...

Ok, now I've got to go see about these meteors. I like sky stuff.

I'm still getting over my huffiness about the puppy party and the visit from the youngest granddaughter last night.

Donna said...

Brenda- It's amazing that the meteor shower has lasted this long! I like stuff like that to...Poor puppies!!! LOL I hope Daisy wasn't retaliating for "not enough Christmas Dinners" much so, that she went and recruited Mr. St. Bernard from next door!!! You know, All joking aside, I really do believe they (animals) will get back at you if they feel slighted! Hubby and I use to go on weekend trips and leave our poodle here...we'd come home to our bedroom being totally torn up and "Rusty" giving us the "gotohell" look..lollol

Dawn said...

I have never seen anything like that. I wished I would of. I live in Missouri and didn't hear anything about it on the news.

I am also stopping by to wish you and your family a Happy New Year. May it bring peace, happiness, good health and prosperity !


Donna said...

Dawn- Thanks Girl! Happy New Year to you and your family as well!! Do you have to work Monday? Hope not. We are..there's Always a commode to unstop! lol
I would have missed the shower show had I not been outside at the time. And Lady Sky Fyre said there was some coverage on Fox. Have a happy Sunday!!

Lilli & Nevada said...

Donna if you like to take photos of the sky come join Dot and all of us for Sky watch Friday, Every Friday you post a photo of the sky does not have to be that day, or a beautiful sunset or sunrise. Its a lot of fun.
Also Mrs Nesbitt has ABC Wed were you post something with the letter Right now we are doing the letter X but once done with the alphabet they will start over again. Both are a lot of fun.

Donna said...

Lilli- Thanks girl! I'll start checking it out. Sounds like a fun thing to do!! Come back soon!

Dick said...

Maybe they were UFO's, you never know.

Donna said...

Dick- wouldn't that be something? How neat if it were true..Have fun today!!