Sunday, December 2, 2007

How The Grinch Stole Christmas, The Movie

This is one of Jim Carey's best films. Such a silly man! Blondie (on my blog roll) also suggested we watch Shirley Temple's, The Bluebird. Well, Miss Blondie...I ordered it! Can't just walk in the store here and find it. I vaguely remember it, but that's been years ago, well maybe a couple...What?!!....OK, maybe more than two, but I'm not counting!! lol

SO, did I meet my shopping deadline??? How does NO sound!!! Geez, I'm REALLY gonna get out there this week and finish. I DO NOT want to fight huge, mean, crowds. Ever ask yourself, WHY do people get so nasty around the holidays??? I know the basic reasons, but overall, can't everyone just try a little harder to be nice? Even to the obnoxious teeny boppers who just stole the parking spot you found? They pull in it then start laughing at you? Or to the woman who has her shopping basket in the very center of the isle, with 3 very dirty, crying children hanging out of it, giving me the "glare"? OK, OK, so I turned around and went the other way...yes, I smiled...YES I DID TO!!!! LOL. I DO have everything I've bought, wrapped!!!! Ahhhhhhh. That's a good thing!

Have started to read the new novel, Rhett Butler's People by Donald McCaig. Starting off with a bang. I'm only on page forty-three though. Seems like it's going to be a good read. Read it? Let me know how you liked it.

Well, guess I'll go do something constructive, like eat a cookie...can't do that over the laptop's keyboard!!! Have fun tonight doing whatever you like to do! See 'ya tomorrow.

PS- Get that SHOPPING done!

PPS- This posting is dedicated to my Grandson, William...with love from Gamma.