Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Fiddling Again...Bored?

Sorry gang!!! Playing around with the look of the blog again. Should have it the way I want it by this evening. Hope all of you had a very Merry Christmas! Also went and got myself another new toy....a lens....gulp....Geez, they don't give them away...well, if it is the only other lens I'll need and it'll do everything I need then its worth it. I'll play around with it when I get home and post some pictures.

In a weird way, it was good to get back to work. The kiddos are in daycare (playcare, this time of year) Sami has already text messaged me to come pick her up...she's bored...Crystal has paid $156.00, for three days, for two kids, for her to be bored and picked up....AhhhMannnn....OK...Well?....I'm Gamma. Can't help it. It's something bred into us, slightly older women. The Children in the photo are NOT Crystals...the picture just fit the story. LOL
If you check back and see something entirely different...I been fiddling!