Sunday, December 30, 2007
Happy New Year to All My New Friends

PostScript on The Experimental Pork Loin
Work and Play
Well, I don't really know what y'all are doing today. We've been working on getting the laundry finished up for the new week. Hubby is cooking..Good Man that he is...a pork loin roast. He has some new technique, he read about for the recipe, where you cook it, in the oven, for one hour at 475degrees. If y'all want to try it, it's 7 minutes a pound at 475dgrs. THEN, you just leave it in the oven for 3 more hours. DO NOT open the oven door...at all. Hubby put a thermometer(electronic) in the roast before cooking to make sure it reaches the correct temp. (180 interior temp). We've never done one this way so wait till I report back on how it turned out. If the meat still remains tough, I'll let you know.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
What Is This?
Friday, December 28, 2007
Smith and Washington

Thursday, December 27, 2007
Sweets and Ham
Here's a couple of HAMS I found under the Christmas tree. Trying out the new lens. It really does allow more light in. Gotta do some adjusting.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Fiddling Again...Bored?

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Santa Claus Blog
Mouse Hunt
What a funny, happy, silly and generally wonderful Christmas Movie! The clip is about ten minutes long, so settle in with a steamy bowl of soup or a delicious plate of FUDGE...LOL...and cookies! WITH a nice hot cuppa coffee or tea. Better yet, if you have this on DVD, go pop it in the player and have fun today!!! Thinking of you while I go do the same!!!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
The Waiting Game
Well, today we play the waiting game...every thing's done. Went outside to take a few snaps of what the weather's doing here. Not much...thank heavens. Leaves, leaves everywhere. Yellow mums trying to last till the first freeze and sunlight through red oak leaves. Blue skies. It's not snow but I bet we could pile those leaves up high enough to have a fun time bouncing!! lol Hubby just got through making Chicken Soup...you have a choice of rice or noodles. Yummy!!!! I always go for the rice.
Crystal and Sami went to the beauty shop this morning. Got their locks colored and cut. (Crystal ONLY got the coloring!!!) Not having Sami old before her time! She can start dating at 40 and if she's real good, she can wear lipstick at 41....WHAT???!!!! That's fair!!
Sam's much better today as well. No fever. Just a bit stopped up. Sir William opted to stay at the house while the girls did their thing...Don't blame him!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Trying Not To Forget!

Oldest granbaby is home with a sore throat and fever. It's EVERYWHERE!!! Y'all try to stay warm. Today it's going to be 73degrees here!!! Talk about people getting sick. One day it's 70 then it's 40...hard to stay well with that going on.
I'm looking forward to having time off from work. Gotta get in there and do laundry and vaccuum...something. Also, MUST get under the Christmas tree and rattle a few boxes....WHAT???....I won't.
Well, y'all have fun today and know I'm thinking of you all. Talk to you later.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
A Little bit of Meme...
Factoid# 2. I love any and all stain glass. Hubby and I took a course years ago, but we never really got off the ground. Too much other stuff happening. Oh well, maybe someday we'll get back to it.
Fact# 3. I love to collect Anything Scrooge. I bought these plates about ten years ago. Can't get anymore.
SO now my sweetest little friends....It's your turn!!! All of you!!! I know you're out there!!!
You've been TAGGED!!! Everyone on my Blogroll!!!! You know who you are! All Except NITA...(the trouble maker)....LOL Well? Go on... Christmas holidays? You're busy??? I think there's static on the line.....w at?....d d y ou sa something? We're breaking up......
More Fun Quizzes at QuizPox.com
Found this on Blondies (Vintage Primatives) blog....I might have known.....she has a lot of fun things to do over there! See what your Elf name is! Better than Sunny Spirit-Fingers?? I don't think so.....LOL
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Spirit of Christmas...Happiness

Monday, December 17, 2007
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
This was a wonderful movie! The music was fabulous. I can see where George Clooney got his looks. His Aunt was beautiful, Rosemary Clooney. I hope, that if some of you are already having a "white" Christmas, that you'll be safe, warm and dry!
Thank you Jenn for passing out the blog treasure banners! I grabbed a copy!
Well, I've been reading, reading, reading about how to use my new toy! Gads...I need a course!! I know you can teach yourself how to use these larger cameras but jeez....It's not so much "point and shoot" anymore! I've bought about ten different books on photography and the Cannon RebelXT. They have a video somewhere also. Guess I'll look for it on the Internet.
Well, hope your Monday goes well for you and Tuesday is even better!! Talk to you tomorrow.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Santa Came Early!! Oh Yeah!!
Friday, December 14, 2007
The Mailman Cometh!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Mr Bean and Me
You say Mr Bean? And Me? What could the two possibly have in common? Shopping, that's what! We shop the very same way!! The very same! I find it impossible NOT to have fun while shopping. There's SO many different things to do. Like Mr Bean, I like to touch stuff. Pick it up, play with the doll babies or march in the marching band. You DO NOT want to go shopping with me if you are easily embarrassed. Life is short. Why be stodgy? Christmas shopping especially.
He is so silly and innocent. What kind of shopper are you?? The Quiet One? The Glider By and Grabber? The Loud One? The Pushy One? Mean and Snappish to the innocent sales people? Come on now, you can tell me!! LOL
Hope you're all having a safe and happy holiday season so far. For all of you who are sad or down, I send you joy and lots of love. With lots of laughter. Feel a little brighter? You Better!! LOL
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Rain and Cold Weather and a Christmas Giggle

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Is It Christmas Yet?
Monday, December 10, 2007
The Preacher's Wife
This was a re-make of The Bishops Wife. Great cast. Denzel Washington & Whitney Houston. This one is just a good as the other. What a wonderful voice Houston has. Celine is, to me, her only other rival.
Not really doing much..(that feels good to say!) Have gotten through with everything as far as shopping for gifts and such are concerned. Now, planning the meal. Hubby mentioned Chicken & Sausage gumbo but the little ones won't touch it! SO, maybe I'll do a Gumbo with a hen on the side with stuffing and potatoes. What are y'all planning for your meal?? Have GOT to get all the ingredients this week...maybe even TODAY!!! Have you noticed the crowds growing? Lordy!!!
Well, y'all have a wonderful evening and I'll talk at 'cha tomorrow.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Made in Heaven...and Me
Now you know where I came up with the title for my blog. Made in Heaven was a movie done in 1987. It's a tale about a troubled young man (Timothy Hutton) who is killed in an accident while trying to save another. He meets a girl (Kelly McGillis) in heaven who has never been born. They fall in love but it's now time for her to experience earth and it's lessons of life. He's devastated and wants to go back with her. Emmit, (God,Source, End All) played by...get this....Debra Winger, after much nail biting..lets him go back to find her...he has only until he's 30 to do so. If not, they both forget each other and move on in their lives. There's several times you just know they see each other...Dadgum it....Geez...it's a good movie. I loved it for personal reasons, first love reasons...you never get over them, do you. This rendition is not a good representation but it gets the message to you. And yes, it's for Christmas or anytime of the year....Love, Angels and God...can't get much better than that! I believe....