They say we may be in for a shower or two this weekend. With the storm about to hit Corpus Christi, we may get some of the scattered showers from it. We are in the middle of Texas so who can tell. 103 today but the sun came up awfully red. Just a tad cooler this morning to. Nothing really new today. Working on a manuscript and trying to get a better understanding of my plot. Stayed later at work, went to the grocery, then home. Dinner? It was fruit, fruit, fruit...cool, cool, cool. More work on Microsoft Word 2007. Well y'all have a great evening, I'll be later posting tomorrow. Meeting Lani at the bookstore. I'll probably get there a little early to drool over all the books...Have a peaceful evening and a better tomorrow.
Donna, when you finish with the manuscript, you might want to check out Lulu.com. You don't have to pay up front for publishing.
Just a tip from someone who knows pretty much zilch. HAHAHA
I self published my book, but will NEVER do that again!!
I wish I had the guts to start a book. I know I have one hidden in there somewhere but I have no idea what it is about, I just feel it rumbling around...kinda like gas!
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