Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Another Sighting

Stephenville Texas...Over the past week or so...UFO sightings! About forty miles from where we live and close to the Western White House in Crawford. Tons of people have seen it and the Air Force is denying it...as usual. This is the report on CNN. Dublin, by the way, is where they still make Dr Pepper with real sugar. It's wonderful. It's a neighbor of Stephenville. Do I believe? Well of course! I get tired of all this 'hide-and-seek" mombo jombo. I suppose one will just have to land on the White House lawn...stay six months, have interviews with the Aliens, have a big "coming out" party...LOL...never mind. They'd just report that a weather balloon had fallen from the sky with party lights attached. Does this belief of mine classify me as a UFO nut? You bet 'cha...a happy nut. Maybe if it would hold still long enough, I might be able to use this fancy Canon on it. LOL So, what's happening in your neighborhood today?


jenn said...

I have never really given much thought to the whole alien thing. I suppose we as a race would be pretty arrogant if we thought we were alone in the universe. Either way, I sure as heck don't want to meet an alien!

Unknown said...

Sky is clear here and no sight of anything unusual. I am not a UFO follower, but I thoroughly believe in the government's ability to cover thngs up and even manipulate world events. The movie "Wag the Dog" seems closer to a documentary than a fictitious story. Have you seen "Why We Fight"? (a documentary). THAT'll make you jaded about the war in Iraq if you aren't already.

Sally said...

UFO's - Aliens - heck I see 'em ever> day. The ones that were here yesterday flew the coop. Personally, I hope if one lands, it's close to you (without you getting hurt OF COURSE) but you could just ZOOM in with that camera and share with us. Plus, if you held onto it, kept it a secret from those other people,we could all go to TX, inspect it, give our opinion OR we could jump onboard and fly away.

Oh, shutUP, Izzy! Stop talkin' to yourself on Donna's blog! :)

Donna said...

Jenn- Don't Wanna See No Aliens??? LOLLOL Cheeky girl!! LOL And I think we, as a race, can be very arrogant! Have fun today sweetie!

Nathalie- Haven't seen Why We Fight...Wag the Dog...sometimes there can be so much truth in fiction! Who knows! lol Staying warm?

Sally- There 'ya go!! A Real trooper for the cause!! LOL Come on down anytime..we'll find an old flatbed pickup, a picnic basket full of fried chicken and head on out to the back forty!!! LOL

Dick said...

No UFO's here, only a storm and leakage in our house. Not nice.

Crystal said...

I'm with Sally! Let's go bop the alien on tha head and steal his ride!!! Places to go worlds to see!!;0)

Brenda said...

I reckon we'd be dense if we believed that our planet was the only one in this huge universe that supported life, I'm a believer too. But I also believe there are some pretty strange things that our military/government are working on that's kept under their hats and they lie through their teeth to us about it.

Donna said...

Dick- Well then, you're missing out on all the fun! LOL Leak? Did you say, Leak??? You've come to the right blog! lollol Hope it's not too bad!!

Crystal- Where's Trunk Monkey when you need him!! LOL

Donna said...

Brenda- I Agree!! There's No telling what kind of technology we're Really capable of! Time will tell...come along on the flatbed truck ride with the rest of us girls! LOL

Sally said...

Yeah, Crystal is right! We've got things to do, and people to sue; err, see!!

Y'all are wearin' me out today; exercise, lookin' for ufo's. hahaha

Anonymous said...

I wonder if we would recognise any of the Aliens should they land on our premises.

Crystal Jigsaw xx

Donna said...

Crystal Jigsaw- Thanks for dropping in!!! Absolutely! Wouldn't you..feel it? Love your blog...I've always loved all things..irregular? lol What an adventure!

Lilli & Nevada said...

Oh how exciting that was, we are out here in the desert and hopeing that we see something exciting.. altho sure are seeing a lot of great sunsets. Hopeing to be able to post some but not able to get on my puter to send photos. borrowing friends with air card right now

Donna said...

Lilli- Hope you're having a wonderful time girl!!! I'm SO envious! LOL Keep your eyes peeled! No telling what you'll see out there! LOL hug

Blue Mermaid Cafe..... said...

Have you ever wondered if they were angels? I often wonder that. xoxo Nita

Donna said...

Nita- Hi Sweetie! 'ya know, angels come in many forms!...Whose to say..I just hope they're smiling!! lol And I hope you are to! hug

Donna said...

Sally- We must have been talking at the same time because I went smooth over your comment!!!LOL I'm SORRY!! I Always answer...I feel so bad!!! Exercising..Fudge and UFOs!!! How fun is that??!!!lol

Dixie Belle said...

UFO's? Aliens? Where's Mulder and Scully? I loved the X Files!

Donna said...

Dixie Belle- WhooHoo!! I swear, I'll go warm up that old pick-up and we'll all head out to find 'em!! LOL I even liked the X Files Movie!! Every time something good comes to television, they think they have to cancel it!!

Unknown said...

I've seen some weird things in the Ohio sky before and wondered also. I just hope they are not mean aliens. LOL

Blondie ~ Vintage Primitives said...

I am intriqued by the whole concept of UFO's and have had some interesting encounters over the years.
The kid in me wants to believe, the adult in me likes a mystery, the voyeur in me loves everyone's reaction.

Donna said...

Joan- I don't think they're mean..they've had plenty enough time to reek havoc if they'd wanted.

Blondie- Sounds like you and Joan need to hop on that flatbed truck with the rest of us, so we can go a 'huntin!!!!! LOL

Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.