Well he'd have been 73 today!! Hard to imagine...He was a tad before my time but I grew to love him through his movies and music. Favorite movie? Blue Hawaii...What a voice...what a face! What was your favorite?
It's been busier here today and it's a little bit more chilly here as well. Starting it's downhill slide into cold weather again. Just as long as it doesn't rain and freeze!
Crystal got her new computer yesterday...worked great here at the shop, but she forgot to order a mouse with it so she purchased one here locally. Worked fine....got it home and the mouse just quit. Yes, there's the pad mouse on the computer, but that's a pain especially when you want to get "speedy". THEN, We can't remember the pass key on the linksy at home, so she can't get online !!! NOW What???? We're out of ideas!
Well here's hoping you all have a happy and sunshiny day and I'll talk at 'cha tomorrow.