Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Posse Arrives, We're Saved

Please read the post below, first...Then, this one. Thank you. The Management

Another Sighting

Stephenville Texas...Over the past week or so...UFO sightings! About forty miles from where we live and close to the Western White House in Crawford. Tons of people have seen it and the Air Force is denying it...as usual. This is the report on CNN. Dublin, by the way, is where they still make Dr Pepper with real sugar. It's wonderful. It's a neighbor of Stephenville. Do I believe? Well of course! I get tired of all this 'hide-and-seek" mombo jombo. I suppose one will just have to land on the White House lawn...stay six months, have interviews with the Aliens, have a big "coming out" party...LOL...never mind. They'd just report that a weather balloon had fallen from the sky with party lights attached. Does this belief of mine classify me as a UFO nut? You bet 'cha...a happy nut. Maybe if it would hold still long enough, I might be able to use this fancy Canon on it. LOL So, what's happening in your neighborhood today?