Bare with me again. See something different, ignore it!! I'll post after I get home and can work on this a bit more! Later!
Another golden nuggett of information about Disposers.....not disposals......What??.. That was the word...they are called disposers...and while I'm talking about things in the kitchen...(don't tell Hubby I told you but....) have you EVER squeezed dish soap into the soap holder of your dishwasher and when you turned the machine on, suds and bubbles came squirting out??? Come on ladies.....I won't tell....you know who you are....(You know...you've run out of those squares or packets or powder) Well, if that EVER happens again, go out to your washing machine cabinet, grab the Downey(or any brand) softener liquid OR sheets, and pour a full capful of it into your dishwasher. Close the door and wash away the suds!!! (If you use the sheets, stuff them into the silverware holder). The same holds true for the washing machine. Used too much detergent? Add softener... right to the water, just throw some in. Works every time.
Well, that's about it for today. Y'all have a great night and a better tomorrow!
You wouldn't believe how busy it has been here! The call-board is FULL of calls (good thing). Seems everything is either stopped up or there's broken water lines or water heaters are going on the blitz. Here's some information you've probably not thought of; it's called, Water Heater, not Hot Water Heater. Heaters heat the water, therefore you have, water-heaters. I use to call them the same thing years ago until Hubby laughed at me. You learn quick around here.
Well, y'all have a pleasant evening and a better tomorrow.
I'm going to try to find something else to go on my tree. Bows or something. Still not happy with it. I'm also running around the house, trying to remember where I hid all the presents I've already bought!!........Did I hear someone say Senior Moment??? Gads, it's not my turn yet is it? You know, I'll always remember Mother saying, "You just wait! It'll be your turn soon enough kiddo"! I always felt "safe" as long as I knew they were still alive. Now the reality of it is here...Now I find myself telling Crystal, "You just wait! It'll be your turn soon enough kiddo"!
I suppose, what I'm trying to say, badly, is, don't waste one minute of your life. Don't give one piece of it away to anger or depression, loneliness or guilt. We all have choices to make every minute of the day. We all experience sad or terrible things. I like that word, we. That one word says that we're all in this together. So join with me in believing that happiness isn't just another word. Even in our worst of moments, it's still there. Waiting.
So today, I'm sending you all lots of love and smiles along with peels of laughter. It is the best thing for, "what ails 'ya."
OK...This is just a TEST people....lol...I finally am learning how to put videos into a post. Please bare with me! I KNOW......Trunk Monkey isn't exactly Christmas material but, you DID need a laugh, now didn't you??!!!