Friday, January 18, 2008

What A Day I'm Having!

Well OK....The morning is good...I like mornings. I get payroll wrapped up, everybody's smiling and in good moods. It's cold and wet. Lunch time comes along so Hubby and I get going at eleven to our favorite place, Golden Corral. It starts...Hubby notices, for about the fifth time, over the last couple of weeks, an elderly couple. The man carries a salad bowl up to the dessert section and fills it...I Mean Fills It with...jellybeans. Carries said bowl back to his table and his waiting wife. Wife takes the bowl of jellybeans and Dumps them into her purse...I'm watching this...a LITTLE surprised...OK, maybe they're poor and can't affor...HOLD IT!!! At $13.85 for two people to eat lunch, and they are there at least three times a week...LIKE US...OK Donna, calm down. It's alright. Next, Wife goes up and gets more fried chicken (I'm getting steamed by this point because I can't have fried chicken) LOL. Anyway, the plate of chicken is sitting on top of Another plate of chicken...Jeezus...that chicken disappears into the abyss...Alright, this is where I Have to remember...It's their karma...If they want to do that, I'll not judge them...I do not know their situation OR their, shut up Donna. OK...done. Out the doors Hubby and I go. Wet, cold and sprinkling. I turn the corner, headed to the truck, SEE part of a black broken coat hanger...step right on it...right foot goes out from under me, left knee takes the hit full force. Hubby's right behind me..."You OK"??????......The only word that comes out of my mouth over and over is "Damn".......and "I'm sorry"!!! Why the "I'm Sorry", I'll never know! I always do that!! LOL Hubby launches into action. I'm in the truck before I know it with him saying..."Need to go to the hospital"??? "NO"!!!!!!......(Nurse...heal thyself has always been my motto). So, I manage to drive myself home...hobble into the house, change clothes and stuff two Excedrin down. I'm sore from my neck down to my feet. My knee cap looks like someone took a baseball bat to it...but I'll be fine! It could have been SO much worse!!! So, Bless that old couple. Here's hoping their fortunes change. Maybe I am being shown something. I need to ponder it for a while.......Nope! Wasn't Me!!! LOL
PS- In case y'all are wondering why I drove myself home, I'm fiercely independant! I have to be down for the count to have someone else "do" for me! Poor Hubby....LOL

Thank heaven I did Jenn's meme earlier...Y'all have a wonderful evening!


jenn said...

Oh no! I hope your knee is okay.

I used to have a friend who stuck the chicken down her pants at buffet places! I was with her one time when she did it, and I NEVER went to a buffet place with her again!

Donna said...

Jenn- I'll be ok...I just was shocked at What they were doing, not Why...Love 'ya Baby!

Crystal said...

I'm comin home to ya baby!!! I'll take GOOD care of ya;)

Donna said...! I Knew it would one day catch up with me...

Sally said...

Damn. I'm sorry.

No, really that's a bummer! I hope you can stay off your feet, and will heal fast. Those unexpected spills are awful. Please take care of yourself, Donna.

There used to a man who went to our church, pitiful looking hunched back, and always looked poorly. He was there every time the doors open and never missed a meal we'd serve. I'd heard that every other meal he'd have would be at Krystal burgers; very cheap food. Anyhoo, when he passed away, they found a couple mil under his mattress, and a note leaving it to our church. We just never know about people, that's for sure.

Donna said...

Sally- Thanks SO much sweetheart...and it came!!..I've got plenty of time to read! The thing I love to do the most!!! You have a Great weekend!!!
(looking under my mattress...nothin) LOL

Brenda said...

Ouch, ouch, ouch!! I hope you didn't crack anything and are able to rise from your bed in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Oh, boy, I hope you don't wake tomorrow with that knee all swelled up!
God will sort out the folks at Golden Corral.

Anvilcloud said...

People like those drive me crazy. How can you get to be that old and be so shallow and self-centered?

Donna said...

Brenda- Well lets's not feeling too good right now, woke me up...had to go get more Excedrin! lol Geez.....Thanks for checking in on me...

Jazzi- You and me both! lol I'm playing at the computer, waiting for the med to kick in! Have a good sleep sweetie...

Anvilcloud- I guess sometimes we feel that the "want" is greater than the "need" sweetie...I don't know. One thing I Do know is I Never want to be in their shoes. Have a Warm sleep...I guess it's still snowing?? STAY OUT OF THAT DRIVEWAY!! lolol

Anonymous said...

Hi! I also love mornings.It is good to get up in the morning.

It is very interesting that your grandmothers plates was much like my mothers.
I hope you can take a picture, so we can compare....
Have a nice weekend!

Donna said...

Lille Meg- I will take a picture! They are in my china cabinet. All I inherited were the soup bowls. I love stuff like this! Have a warm day today!

Brenda said...

Hey lady! Were you able to get out of the bed ok this morning?

Dixie Belle said...

Jelly beans!! How unusual. Hate to hear you fell. Hope you are feeling better today.

Tracy said...

Ouch, Donna! Hope you feel better soon. {{hugs}}

Donna said...

Brenda- I'm Really stiff..knee cap hurts like he**! lol BUT...I did manage to get up!!!

Dixie Belle- I'm not sure why the jellybeans....Thanks for the good wishes!

Tracy-Thanks Girl!! I'm getting there!lol

dabrah said...

Donna, I hope you're feeling a bit better, and that you haven't done any serious damage to your knee. I fell on Wednesday evening, slipped on the wood edging in the garden in the rain and fell through the (open) patio doors onto my right knee. Luckily it felt a bit better by Thursday morning, and now it's fine. If you're not any better, it wouldn't hurt to get it checked.

Donna said...

Dabrah!! Good Lord Girl!! SO glad they were open!!! I told Hubby if it wasn't better by Monday, I'd go have it checked out...I Will!! LOL
Have a SAFE evening!!!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness Donna, you could have really been hurt. For a minute I thought you were going to say the old couple dropped some jelly beans and you fell because of them. You would think they would at least take some more healthy items. LOL No seriously, I hope you are okay and feeling better.

Faery said...

Oh Donna I hope you are better now

Donna said...

Joan- Thanks Sweetie! I can't imagine that that little old lady would Ever drop anything!! lol
Poor old soul...Oh well. Thanks for the well wishes!!

Farey- Hi there Girl! Thanks for the sweet is getting better. Have a happy day!!

Preheat Oven to 350 F
Grease a 9x13 pan or dish
Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon and salt together in a separate bowl.
Pour into 9x13 dish
Sprinkle all of the cake mix gently over the wet ingredients
Sprinkle all the pecans over the dry cake mix
Drizzle the butter over the pecans
Do Not Stir!
Place in oven and bake for 60 minutes.
Do Not over bake!
Let cool then place in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours of overnight.
You can make this several days ahead of event, just keep covered with plastic wrap.