Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Busy Day

This is the "really busy day"! Busy at work, busy at home...busy. The grocery stores were already busy at 8:30 this morning! Wild people...including me! Not doing this on Christmas! Going to the grocery at least several days before Christmas Day. If I'd been thinking, I would have done the shopping several days ago, but, somehow I managed to let the opportunity slip by. I'm a Christmas person...period. Thanksgiving comes along and although I'm very grateful for everything we have, I just can't "find my groove"! I don't decorate for it. I don't know why that is. Every moment for me is in anticipation for the day after....Out comes the tree and my motor gets going! Fun. Oh well, such is life.
Guess I'll go home and start in on getting something done!
Here's wishing everyone of you a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Eat lots of everything!!!......What?? 'Tis the season! (oops!)