Hubby is installing another window again today. I believe tonight's weather is going to possibly put a crimp in long range plans to install more. 46degrees tonight with a high of 61 tomorrow. All next week is suppose to end up in the low 70's, so we'll just have to see how it goes.
Red (the horse) is suppose to be able to come home soon. He'll have to be in the stable for 2 months straight. Can't let him
out. On sawdust only. Barring anything else catastrophic happening to him, he should be alright!
Well, guess I'll go look for the little sous chef and see what she's intending to cook up...what? I didn't say anything....Have fun today. (PS-Hubby also got our new firelogs going! What a Master Plumber!!)
For those of you who like "little known facts", here's one. Liquid Paper was invented by the mother of Mike Nesmith of The Monkees. (Noel Botham & The Useless Information Society.)