Sunday, November 28, 2021

A Sweet Thanksgiving...

 Good Morning Guys...Decided I needed to pop in and leave an update.  Again, it's been a while.  I hope all of my American friends enjoyed a safe and peaceful Thanksgiving!  We did...and of course, I made too much and ate too much.  Starting a halfhearted diet on Monday.  Our two Air Force grandbabies couldn't come though...Busy doing Air Force stuff...Christmas is coming and I don't want to pack on any more weight!  I had been SO good and lost that pesky 20 lbs in about 5 months...wasn't really hard at it..walking mostly...but I felt so much better.  Then I was bad!!  Chips and apple fritters are NOT calorie free!! 😞  

I've made turkey's in the oven.  But I scaled it down to just two servings for Larry and one for me.  I think I need to freeze the rest of the smoked turkey...don't want to waste any of it.

Well, I hope you all are well?  No covid??  I pray not...Larry and I are staying illnesses so far.  We did get the vaccines and will probably get the booster.  Yes, we're Republicans and feel very strongly about our right to choose... but I had Covid in 2019 and it almost got the best of me.  Pneumonia set in...soooo... We are too old to be playing with our health.  I'm 70 and Larry is 74 and our immune systems suck...

Well, hope you all are enjoying your day...will be coming to check on you!  

Until next time....💖