Goodness, what a week...William (10yr old Grandson) has been super sick. 103temp at it's highest...99 at its lowest! Never Breaking!! I really feel it was the Swine flu and not the N1H1 variety...but scary, nonetheless. He had a playmate at the daycare he Use to attend, die about two weeks ago from the N1H1...They had been babies and playmates for almost all their lives...Will hasn't been to the daycare now for several years and we heard about the friends passing on the news...terrible! They were the same age and it hit the kids pretty hard. SO, I began my research...and applied my nursing skills and meds...I'm happy to report his fever Finally broke (after 5 constant days) and has not returned...If he's Still fever free all day today, (they say after 24 but I like 36hrs) he can go back to school tomorrow. Thank God....You know if I'm not around Anywhere much, Someone's sick....
I piddled around changing my blog again...Hahaa...You know me. Hope and pray everyone is well and HAPPY!! Don't make me hurt you! I want some Smiling going on!! Happy day everyone!