A Week Already? Boy time is really slipping away Fast around here lately! Seems the faster I go the less I get done. So, lets see...I think last week was one of those weeks you do Not want to do over again...so I won't. On Friday after I had finally gotten home from work my cell phone rings and it's my granddaughter, Sam telling me to get my butt up to her work...There's a terrific sale going on and I needed to buy something...Hahaaaa....so I grab the car keys again and run back down the road to her work...and yes, I found a pretty pair of flip flops for myself, a pair of shorts for Sam...Hahaaa....and a purse for Crystal. It WAS a 50% off everything sale which was great but there wasn't much in the way of more items for "more Mature" taste...I don't "do" flimsy, see-thru or huge sparkles. I think us Girls made out pretty well...
Now, over the weekend I did laundry, hubby made steaks and hubby, me and the little dog, Buddy went walking at the high school. Now, somehow, it's Monday again. Next Monday is a holiday though and that means a three day weekend...Our BIG Plans? NOTHING!Hahaaa...I hope!
Well, here's hoping You all are having a great start to the week...Just try to stay out of trouble!
Hopping over to read all about YOUR adventures now!