Saturday, June 1, 2024

June...Chicken, Reunions and Pugtummys.

Good morning, Friends...Welcome to June.  I hope all the storms are passing you by.  There are still so many without power!  Praying they get the power back on soon! Also praying for a wonderful June!

I threw another chicken into the air fryer...It was day old because Larry was taking his Dad (98) to a "family" reunion at his cousin's house.  Larry's Dad wasn't going to go, at first...but they were celebrating his brother Harvey's, birthday, with lunch and cake so, he changed his mind and called Larry and asked if he would take him.  So...and no... I didn't go...I had tried for years to get that side of the family to love and care about each other but to no avail...pulling teeth, as it were.  Do I need to go now?  I'm 72...haven't heard from them in 7 or 8 years...and when I did, it was constant gossip about everyone else!  I've had 51 years of that behavior... I don't like that kind of "love" so, I'm now just going to stay away...tired of throwing my "pearls" before swine? lol...It stems from jealously over Larry's Dad starting a plumbing business back in the 1960's, making a great company of it...having his brothers come work for him...and gradually having resentment set in because the brothers (and the wives) wanted to be part of management, with all the perks...not happening.  They didn't want anything to do with running a corporation back in the day...Gerald would have shared ownership...but no takers.  So, Gerald worked his butt off making a go of it and it cost him his family in the long run.  My thoughts?  Never hire family!  

I don't want any more drama.  I got things to scrubbing out toilets...yeah, that's how I roll...and Larry's fine with it.

I'm better than a Soap Opera...lolol...intense story lines, and all...lolol


And That's why the roasted chicken was had for the next day's lunch.  I'd just taken it out of the refrigerator in the above photo...but after about 30 minutes back in a hot oven, it crisped back up. Turned out really good.  Larry made a lemon sauce  (you know how chicken gets dry if you refrigerate it) ... Really needs to be eaten on the day you cook it.

Oh, and I'm also down 10.1 pounds!  I might cook a lot of goodies but my willpower seems to be stronger than ever! lol...I'm tired of how those extra pounds make me feel!  Now, 10 more to go!  Hopefully, by the end of July?  Maybe...
Gerald (Larry's Dad, L, and his brother Harvey on the R)

Our sweet great granddaughter, Sloane doing inspections on her car...You know things need to be in tip top shape for the Summer travels! lol


 Sloane got to go to a swim she is with her cousin, Arlis...They've spotted something new...lolol...decisions, decisions!  Should we or shouldn't we?!  They didn'



An added source of fun was keeping Sloane on Wednesday...She was telling me all about how things were 'gonna be! lol...We'd been missing her so I called Samantha and asked if she'd drop her off with us when heading for work...she agreed, and it was off to the races! lol

Lordy, we love her so much!  It was a fun day.  Our lives have shifted into the "old people" gear...and occasionally, we need a kick-start! lol...Sloane did that for us...


Makes me remember our days on the family farm back in 1960-1963... (my parents thought we could learn a lot on a they bought one) and a story for another involves a nut that thought my sister, Ruth Ann, was the Virgin Mary...remind me to tell it


I also planted a couple honeysuckles in pots, just to get things started.  One went directly into the ground...we'll see which works out better.

Then while looking around, I saw this ??? growing and blooming!  I recognize the leaves but can't recall the name...

Have you ever seen a mushroom like this?  Started out looking like an umbrella then ended up with a flat top?
I pulled them all up and chunked them because of the dogs.


Our Libby's tummy was acting up...hope she didn't eat any of the mushrooms...or I'm thinking it could be the new senior dog food.  I'm going shopping today for the sensitive tummies brand.  

Well, I suppose that's it for me...for now...Please stay safe wherever you are!  Be prepared!  Storms can pop up at a moment's notice...
SO, until next time...