Good morning, Friends...The temps have been better but I think they'll be on the rise next week, again...90's again...Ugg
Larry goes in for his 6 month Cysto wash on Monday for the bladder cancer. No signs of a reoccurrence of any cancer cells and that's a good thing!

Miss Kitty (our feral cat) perched up high on the old dead tree stump, surveying her She's under and over all sorts of places, as you can see by the bits of web in her fur...but we're just happy she now comes in the house whenever she wishes by the dog door...and she's lately, started sleeping on our bed at night!! I know it's a silly thing to be excited over but at least she'll hopefully be warm this Winter! I'm letting a little more time go by before we take her into the Vet's office for an exam and some injections. Maybe they can tell us how old she might be...
I threw together a pound cake...vanilla.
I remember my Mom and her were really good when she threatened to use it! lol Today's kids have no idea...I never used one, but I think just the thought of it makes a kid use his or her make good choices. This was old school...
I got busy on the quilting...really need to get it finished!
Then I made Shrimp Fettuccini...Goodness, it was good!
I did some experimenting with using Ramen Noodle Soup...You know, the food that gets most college kids through school on the cheap? Lol
In a separate sauté pan, I lightly browned onions, bell peppers, tomatoes and cut chicken sandwich meat into strips, then fried. Goodness!! It was a hit! Larry and I both loved it, and I will be making this again!
I was in a hurry to get back to my sewing, so I threw these steaks into my cast iron pan to cook. I know...sacrilege...but I know if I tarry too long, I'll lose my momentum. I've wasted too much time as it is.
Added green beans...
Along with some lemon pepper shrimp.
Then a little cinnamon roll baked in my air fryer...oh, that was good!
And can't have a post without our little Sloane...She had ear surgery again! New tubes...sweet baby girl!
Ann sent another lovely card!! How she comes up with all her ideas, I have no idea, but her work is so pretty! Thank you, Miss Ann!!
Well, that's about it for me this week. We don't have much planned for next week except Larry's treatment. Our grandkids (Ty & Sara stationed in Hungary, are coming to Tim & Crystal's (Outside of Houston) on the 18th I believe...Larry and I will travel down to see them on the 22nd. Can't wait to see them! So, until next time...Hope you all are well and happy and safe...