I have always admired Smokin' Joe Frazier...Not only was he a great boxer, but he's an honorable man. I remember this fight between Mohammed Ali (Cassius Clay) and Frazier... KnockOUT in the 15th round by Smokin' Joe!! Great fight! (Picture me jumping up and down screaming, "WHUP HIS ASS!!!....I'm so ashamed....Hahaaa...not!) Of course, Ali came back to win the next two but, hey...no problem. While Frazier never ran from a fight in his life, Ali managed to skip out on Viet Nam as a conscientious objector. Muslim you know...wasn't Always a Muslim...oh well, best shut up and get ON with it. Smokin' Joe now has the battle of his life going on right now...You've probably heard he has liver cancer and is in hospice...so sad. If you want to read about it, go
UPDATE: Joe Frazier passed away November 7th...Bless his heart....

There was ALSO an Earthquake in...wait for it...Oklahoma! 5.6!! I know there's tiny ones all the time but this was unheard of in Our lifetime! Bunch of damage...with roads being torn apart! If you want to read about it, go
Got out and did some more Christmas shopping yesterday...not much but I think I'll be glad that I didn't wait. You NEVER know when something unbelievable will happen like
THIS. Like I believe the WH on Anything these days!Hahahaaa.....Sometimes...you just haffta' BELIEVE!
Sweet Sunday to Everyone!