UPDATED POST! It was Delicious!! Read below.

Jeanne (A View From Me)!! I couldn't wait until this weekend to try this crock pot recipe of yours! The timing was a little difficult to work out BUT, I finally figured it out...I cooked it on high for 4 hours last night after I got home from work THEN, I stuck it in the refrigerator overnight, packed it up and brought it to work to finish cooking on High for 4 more hours to make it really tender! Can't wait to try it! I cut up 2 potatoes this morning and added them. It smells wonderful! (For the recipe click on Jeanne's link above)

And! Would you believe Christmas decorations are already popping up all Over the place? I was at the mall last weekend and as I turned a corner, here was this Huge tree all decorated and waiting for Santa!Hahaaa....Oh Yeah!
Well, I'd better go check on my crock pot lunch...I'll let y'all know how it turned out! Have a great Wednesday everyone!