Thursday, August 8, 2024

Sweet...The Girlz, Cooking and Washing.

Good morning, Friends!  It's been a busy week.  Deliveries, eye appointments...Going with the girls to eat lunch...babysitting a new washing machine...watching an ambulance take a neighbor to the hospital...(long story)...he couldn't ahhh...go to the restroom...doesn't take his medications...we think he's having some dementia issues.  I feel so sorry for his youngest daughter living 3 hours away.  Every time he sneezes, he thinks he has to call her to come back home to take care of him...sad.  He hates that she married and moved away...personally, I think he knows what he's doing...anything to get her sad!

The girls (Daughter Crystal, granddaughter Sam and great granddaughter Sloane and I, the old went out to eat at our favorite sandwich joint, Schmaltz's.  Wonderful lunch and lots of love from my SloaneyGirl! 

Crystal holding her granddaughter, Sloane for an after-lunch nap.

My grandbaby Samantha resting...

Samantha's newest commercial photo...I love her so much!

Oh, my word, this pork roast was wonderful!  Added red potatoes, bell pepper and sweet onions along with some butter.

We were craving Chicken & Dumplings...They were really good!

I made Key Lime Pie yogurt...always wonderful.

Had to purchase a new washing machine.  I will NEVER own a front loader machine again!  My fancy front-loader Bosch (10 yrs old) needed a new Mother Board...No Way $$$ .... I'd had enough trying to use the mechanical "go-around" to wash clothes!  It won't spin... Ridiculous...Larry thought it was just fine and that it might be "crippled" but, it still worked... :oo
He sang a different song yesterday when I told him since he was fine jumping through hoops while trying to get the wash done...I believed it was time for him to take over the washing duty! 
He couldn't get me in the truck to Lowes, fast enough. 
My new washer will be

When it would snap up the ERROR message, I'd have to do A through F... 

Our feral cat, Miss Kitty relaxing with us for just a little while before meowing to go back outside.   We really hope we can get her trained to use the dog door, coming into the house, before Winter!  That's Buddy sitting in the chair...observing her.  Both dog babies (Buddy & Libby the pug) and Miss Kitty get along just fine!

Larry bought a new toy...a 3-D Printer... I have no idea why...but if that's what makes him get up in the morning, good enough.  He's 76...77 in October.  He needs to keep busy and have fun while doing it.  He goes in on the 16th of September for a check-up on his bladder cancer.  Keep him in your prayers please.

This is his first's a pattern that came with the machine. I asked if he could make toys for Sloane, and he says he can.  Special project patterns cost, and those prices vary.  Doesn't everything?

Well, I suppose that's all for now.  
I hope you all are happy and safe in your until next time....