Birds...Squirrels...They want FOOD...NOW...Hahaa...Sam Squirrel just could Not wait. He decided to get up on the outdoor furniture and help himself. He tore open the package and was just sitting there, gorging...little tart!Hahaa....The birds were chiming in as well. Hubby said he hadn't seen a Red-Winged Blackbird since he was a kid. I love the red in the wings. So, this weekend, I need to get out into the yard and fill the feeders...again. Hope you have a Wonderful night or day...and don't forget to FEED something!!Hahaa....
PS- Happy Valentine's Day!
The red-winged blackbirds are so pretty! I keep filling my bird feeders and also put out apples and oranges.
Happy Valentine's Day, Donna!
Donna- They Are pretty! I'd never seen them Either...but they Sure can Eat!Hahaaa...Night Sweetheart!hughugs
Tonight I fed my face - does that count? hahaha!!!!! Our little tweeters have been ravinous this year!
Best wishes for a wonderful valentine's day!
Our tweeters haven't been scavenging as much this year. I reckon all the sunflowers we planted kept them happy and full. Want me to send some of my black birds down to ya? Or, it could be some of ours that came to visit if they knew you were giving away food.
So my friend, did Sam the squirell eat chocolate? And if so,did he run around like mad like dogs do? A lady I worked with one time made a beautiful homemade German Choc cake and left it on the counter and left to run an errand,,,,you guessed it, the little bitty darling got up there somehow and ate half of it all by herself. The vet said nothing to do since it had been so long,,,but the dog ran around the house a d ran into walls and ran some more. It finally wound down,,,Kinda like Crystal and my Magic Tea...she was all wound up on the caffeine. Love you! Happy Valentine's Day!!!!
OK I could not get the comment to work with the url, so I used the annomyous button, but you know it is just me, Ellani....
Happy Valentine's Day Donna!! Love the squirrel pic!
Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!
I fed the kids...does that count?
I have never seen a redwinged blackbird in my life!
The birds need to bee feeded now, we have a lot of snow here, and it is impossible to find food on the ground.....
Happy Valentins Day to you!
Happy Valintinls day Donna.
I would love to feed the birds around here but our dog Phoebe chases them away as soon as they land on the grass. Very teratorial is our doggy.
Love and hugs XXXXOOOO
Happy Valentines Day!
Have you two anything planned for today?
Amanda x
What happened to my comment?
I know you will take care of the birds as best you can; they have a very good caregiver.
Happy Valentines Day, Donna!! You deserve it.
Jose' and I are having a blast. I KNOWW it's only 11:30, but dang it, it's five o'clock somewhere!! :)
Oh very nice pictures, happy Valentines Day.
Donna-Hahaaa..As Long as you don't forget my Marty's dinner!!! Sweet sleep to you!!hughugs
Brenda- SO! You sent these things down here!!LOL...I was wondering!!Happy night friend!!hughugs
Ellani-So There you are! I thought you forgot about me!!Hahaa...Coffee was great..I came home and taught myself how to download movies!!hughugs
Bermuda- Thanks sweetie! To you Too!!hughugs
Jenn-Hahaa..You Better have done!!! Hope your day was fun!!hughugs
Lille- Feed the birds sweetie!! Stay warm!!hughugs
Lucy-Hahaaaa..We use to have a cat who Loved to chase them!! Happy night!hughugs
Amanda-...Babysitting William for Crystal...Lotsa love there! Happy night!!hughugs
Sally Girl- JOSE??? I thought the Girls had him on the boat with Them!!Hahahahaaa...You're so sweet, night little love!hughugs
Dick- Thanks big guy!! To you Tooooo!!hughugs
The birds are eating us out of house and home! I love the red winged blackbirds...we have one squirrel who helps himself to sunflower seed...pretty little guy, too! The pictures were great...thanks for sharing
Thanks for the birthday wishes Donna! I just told my birds "that's it till payday"! Geesh, they are eating me out of house and home :) I love every one of them.
I've never seen one of those blackbirds either. Are they in NC too? Ya think?
P.S. Keep the housecoat!!!!
Donna, i just love the pictures! The red winged blackbird is so beautiful. They come to my feeder.
Sending you love, Nita
P.s don't forget my give-a-way. I have it posted now.
I haven't seen any red-winged blackbirds, but I have dozens of very fat Robins in my yard. Also, lots of little birds of different varieties. Luckily we have a lot of shrubs and trees with berries to help with the feeding...
Now we all know where to get something yummy to eat! You have a big heart, Donna--and luckily a great sense of humor :O)
p.s. Red-winged blackbirds are one of my all time favorites and when I heard the first one in the spring, I know I can make it through!
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