Alright, here's the deal...Hubby's birthday is in October. Every year it's the same old thing..."What do you want for your birthday"??? And Every year I get the same old, tired answer..."Nuthin"...."Don't need anything"!!!...I always say, "Didn't ask you what you needed...I asked what you wanted"!!!....Oh well, you know how the conversation goes. Well, I've decided that this year is going to be a bit different. A cooking course.....yes. I've already asked him where he'd like to go for this course.... Now that we've eliminated three quarters of the free world...LOL...He said he'd think about it. I reminded him just how much he enjoys cooking. I happen to think he's a very good cook so why not go have some fun with it?!! What started out, in the conversation, as a trip of two weeks at a villa in Italy...LOL..has ended up with maybe three or four days somewhere in the States...He'll think about it....I told him that both he and his BFF Tom, could go together, seeing as Tom is retired. Anyway, if y'all have any suggestions about Where, pass them along! You might know of something locally we'd never find out about. Well, guess I'll move along for tonight. I'll be home tomorrow taking care of the Granbabies (Martin Luther King Day). So have a good Monday and I'll talk to you then.
Hi Donna,
I don't know a lot about where to go for cooking classes but maybe my blogging friend Sandi from Whistle Stop Cafe might know. Her blog is on my blogroll. She knows a lot about cooking and that kind of thing. Have fun with your grandbabies tomorrow.
Joan- Thanks!! I'll jump over and take a look! Hope you're having a warm and toasty evening! Take care!hughug
There's the Viking Cooking School in Memphis. I don't know a whole lot about it but I do know they have some short classes (a few hours) on just about any sort of culinary favorite.
Brenda- Thank you Miz Brenda!! I'll check it out. I'd really like for him to enjoy doing something like this. We'll see if I can shove him out the door!! LOL Have a warm night sweetie!!
If it were me, I'd head to Louisiana to learn Cajun and French cuisine. There are several places to take courses there.
Annie- We do love Gumbo and Ettoufee...ribs...shrimp...geez, I'm hungry now!!! LOL Thanks Sweetie!!
We live about 1.5 hours from St. Louis. I am sure there is something there. I am not familiar with anything though.
Have fun with the grandbabies tomorrow !! :)
Hi Dear - phone lines are back but at the normal snail pace. Good to catch up with you again. Hope your knee is ok - maybe you need to rest on a tropical island for awhile!!!
While you are resting he can learn how to cook with coconuts!!!
Hi Donna, *clap, clap, clap* what a brilliant idea!! Find a cooking course for hubby with food you adore to eat ;D heehee
Hope that knees much better today!
Hugs Rosie x
Dawn- Glad you're feeling better Sweetheart! You were pretty sick! You just keep resting and stay warm...Hubby could learn to do ribs St Louie style!! LOL
Jules- I can see it now..We're lounging on the beach and Hubby is wearing coconuts...WHAT???!! LOLOL
Gads..does sound good!
Rosie- Absolutely!! He cooks so well, maybe he should Give a course! LOLlol
Thanks to all of you with concern about my knee...I'm still hobbleing around, but not much pain going on now...thats a relief!! Y'all have a Wonderful day today!!
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